tariray's adventures

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My baby elephant

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Its not as if I havent seen an elephant at all.. of course a trip to the friendly neighborhood Manila Zoo would have sufficed. But there's something about being in Thailand that made seeing an elephant more special. They were normal fare there, they were revered and is the country's national symbol.

The lady guard's duty was hectic and so I realized on the 2nd day .My last fervent wish by then was for me to at least see, touch and have a picture taken with a live elephant.

And so my wish was granted while we were going through our TT market visit at Ayutthaya. There it was, standing at the sidewalk, my baby elephant. As I scrambled to get my camera, I remember reminding myself to capture the moment, make the most out of it and make sure I get to touch the elephant. Turns out, I dont just get to touch it, I even get to feed it! I was like a schoolgirl, feeding the baby e with some sort of cucumber with a wide grin on my face. Though baby e startled me at times-- he knew I had food so he kept bugging me to give him some.

I put off writing this post since I wanted to put an accompanying picture with it. I guess the picture will have to wait, as I only have a video of this event and my brother still hasnt extracted the image. At least I had some presence of mind to take a video, sayang lang dapat may picture din.


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