tariray's adventures

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Meeting Heny

I do love to cook. I find it relaxing and challenging. They say I’m good, maybe I am. But for me, cooking is seldom an errand or something I need to do. It somehow soothes my nerves at the same time it makes me feel that I need to do my best so that the dish will turn out tasting great.

So needless to say, I love watching cooking shows and reading recipe books. I have learned allot from various references from cooking tips to presentation as well as the latest kitchen gadgets.

I have conquered white pasta, as well as lasagna. I now know how to cook perfect crispy pata and Kare-kare. Still on my list of recipes to master are Dinuguan and that perfect Chicken Galantina. Pastries I can handle too..But as for baking cakes… I’m under NI for this category—as in “NeedsImprovement”.

So when I heard that we were going to meet Heny, I was so excited. This is not Hetty the mascot ha! I'm talking about Heny Sison!

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Not everyone probably knows her, but for a food lover (and for people who love to cook) the name Heny Sison translates to perfectly crafted cakes and pastries. I have loved watching her show every Sunday.. though lately I don’t get to watch because of work..

Just being in her professional kitchen excited me, so much that I didn’t pass the chance of having my picture taken in that kitchen!

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It has been a “dream” of mine for the last 2 years to be able to take some baking classes from her school.. It’s a dream coz I dunno where to find the time to spare. And now I was in her school, meeting her and even eating cakes baked by her!

It was so nice of her to share her cooking with us. As I listened to her kwento of how she made it in the culinary world I somehow wished I could just drop everything and try and BE like her. Though educated with a finance background, she managed to steer her life into doing what she loved and she did it with flying colors.

Makes me wonder how long I will last in this career path.. One thing is now clear to me: I HAVE TO TAKE THOSE BAKING CLASSES..


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